Rosemary oil - Benefits and Uses

In this article, let’s dive deep into what Rosemary oil is, how it can be used as a hair oil, and its benefits. We shall delve into the rich history of Rosemary oil’s use for hair care, from ancient civilizations to modern beauty rituals. Elevate your hair care game, unlock the secrets to healthier, more vibrant locks with rosemary oil, and transform tresses naturally.


Rosemary, with its vibrant green leaves and aromatic fragrance, is a herb that has been cherished across cultures for centuries. This versatile herb, known scientifically as Rosmarinus officinalis, has a storied origin that traces back to the Mediterranean region. Its name is steeped in history, derived from the Latin words "ros" (dew) and "marinus" (sea), reflecting its natural habitat along coastal areas. What makes rosemary genuinely remarkable is its remarkable diversity of uses. Renowned as the "herb of remembrance" in ancient Greece and Rome, rosemary was believed to enhance memory and cognitive function, a reputation it still maintains today. This unique selling point (USP) has earned it a special place in the world of herbs.

In the culinary realm, rosemary lends its robust flavor to various dishes, from roasted meats and vegetables to savory sauces. Its fragrant sprigs infuse a distinct, earthy aroma into recipes, making it a kitchen essential. Beyond the kitchen, rosemary has made its mark in the beauty and health sectors. It is a key ingredient in many natural skincare and hair care products, prized for promoting hair growth and nourishing skin. Its essential oil is also renowned for its therapeutic properties, supporting mental clarity and relaxation.

In summary, rosemary's origin story is steeped in Mediterranean history, and its fame lies in its multifaceted utility, spanning cooking, beauty, and health, all while maintaining its unique reputation for enhancing memory and focus. This herb truly embodies the essence of timeless versatility.


1. Improves hair growth

Rosemary oil is a renowned elixir for enhancing hair growth. Packed with nutrients and antioxidants, it stimulates blood circulation to the scalp, nourishing hair follicles and promoting thicker, longer, and healthier locks. This natural wonder also inhibits the effects of hair-thinning hormones, helping to combat hair loss.

In a study done by Yunes Panahi, et al. in 2015, it was found that Rosemary was found to be almost as effective as minoxidil, a drug prescribed by dermatologists for treating patients with alopecia. “Both groups experienced a significant increase in hair count at the 6-month endpoint…” “The frequency of scalp itching at the 3- and 6-month trial points was significantly higher compared with baseline in both groups (P < .05). Scalp itching, however, was more frequent in the minoxidil group at both assessed endpoints (P < .05). The findings of the present trial provided evidence concerning the efficacy of rosemary oil in the treatment of AGA.” - this only further proves the efficacy of rosemary oil in promoting hair growth and minimizing hair fall.

2. Promotes nerve growth

Scientific studies have revealed rosemary oil's unique property of promoting nerve growth, making it a potential game-changer in hair care. A study published in the "Journal of Biomedical Science" (2015) demonstrated rosemary oil's ability to stimulate nerve growth factor (NGF) production, which is crucial for maintaining healthy hair follicles. This increased NGF could foster better communication between hair follicles and the nervous system, potentially leading to improved hair growth. While ongoing research continues to explore these findings, rosemary oil's neurotrophic potential holds exciting promise for those seeking fuller, more vibrant hair. 

3. Anti-inflammatory

Rosemary oil, extracted from the aromatic rosemary herb, isn't just a culinary delight and potent anti-inflammatory hair oil. Its remarkable anti-inflammatory properties soothe an irritated scalp, reducing redness and itching. This natural elixir calms inflamed hair follicles, promoting healthier, more robust hair growth. Regular use of rosemary oil as a hair oil can alleviate conditions like scalp psoriasis, etc., restoring your scalp's natural balance. Its anti-inflammatory prowess isn't just about aesthetics; it's about nurturing a scalp environment where your hair can thrive.

4. Prevents dandruff

Rosemary oil offers a powerful solution for banishing dandruff. Its potent antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties effectively combat the underlying causes of flaky, itchy scalps. Rosemary oil helps regulate sebum production, preventing excess oiliness, a common trigger for dandruff. Regularly applying rosemary oil as a hair oil soothes the scalp, reduces irritation, and keeps dandruff-causing fungi at bay. Its refreshing aroma adds an extra layer of invigoration to your hair care routine.


 1. Apply directly on the scalp

  • To apply rosemary oil directly to your scalp without carrier oil, it's crucial to be cautious due to its concentrated nature. Begin by ensuring your scalp is clean and dry. Use a dropper to dispense a small amount of undiluted rosemary oil, not more than three drops, onto your fingertips. Part your hair into sections to ensure even distribution.

  • Gently massage the rosemary oil directly into your scalp, starting at the front and working to the back.

  • Pay special attention to areas of concern, such as thinning spots or an itchy scalp.

  • Leave the oil on for at least 30 minutes, and then shampoo and rinse thoroughly to remove any residue. Use this method sparingly, as undiluted essential oils can be potent, and always perform a patch test to check for any adverse reactions.

2. Mix rosemary oil with a carrier oil

  • To effectively apply rosemary oil directly to your scalp for hair benefits, dilute it with a carrier oil such as coconut or any other pure oil, with 3-5 drops per tablespoon of carrier oil. This ensures safe and even distribution.

  • Part your hair into sections to make the application more accessible, and gently apply the diluted mixture using your fingertips or a cotton ball to your scalp. 

  • Start at the front and work to the back, massaging to stimulate blood flow and aid absorption.

  • Leave the oil on your scalp for at least 30 minutes or as an intensive treatment; leave it on overnight. 

  • Afterward, shampoo your hair to remove the oil, and repeat this process 1-2 times a week for optimal results, promoting healthier and revitalized hair. This is a much safer and one of the most commonly used methods that provide the benefit of rosemary oil and the pure oil used for dilution.

 Get your carrier oil now -

3. Mix rosemary oil with a homemade shampoo or conditioner 

  • To create a customized blend, start by mixing 4-5 drops of rosemary oil into your preferred amount of shampoo or conditioner. Stir thoroughly to ensure even distribution. 

  • When washing your hair, apply this infused product as you normally would, focusing on massaging it into your scalp and through your hair strands.

  • Leave it for a minute or two to let the rosemary oil work its magic. 

  • Rinse thoroughly and revel in the revitalizing benefits of this DIY rosemary-infused hair care concoction. Enjoy healthier and more vibrant locks with each use.


Are you considering buying rosemary oil for yourself? Get it here -