Winter skincare routine

Skin Problems in Winter

Winter's dry and cold air can profoundly impact our skin. Let us examine how and why these climatic changes cause various skin problems.

  1. Lack of Moisture

    During winter, the air becomes drier indoors and outdoors. These low humidity levels can lead to rapid moisture evaporation from the skin. Thus, the skin loses its natural suppleness.

  2. Reduced Natural Oils

    Cold air reduces sebum production, the skin's natural oil. This decrease in oil production can weaken the skin's barrier, leaving it more susceptible to external irritants.

  3. Irritation and Redness

    Skin irritation and redness can result from the harsh, cold winter removing the skin's protective layer. Due to increased sensitivity, skin conditions like eczema and rosacea can worsen during this season.

  4. Dry Patches

    Dry and cold air can cause dry patches on the skin's surface. These can be flaky and itchy, making you want to scratch, further irritating the skin and leading to inflammation.

  5. Chapped Lips and Hands

    The skin on our lips and hands is thinner and more delicate. They are often exposed to the harsh winter elements, causing them to become dry, chapped, and prone to cracking.

  6. Hot Showers

    Ironically, many people take hot showers during winter to escape the cold. However, hot showers exacerbate dryness, potentially causing more problems.

  7. Decreased Blood Circulation

    Cold weather can lead to decreased blood circulation to the skin's surface. This can result in a dull complexion and a lack of nutrients reaching the skin cells.

  8. Slower Skin Cell Turnover

    Wintertime tends to slow down the turnover of skin cells. Dead skin cells build up on the skin's outer layer, giving the appearance of dullness and possibly clogging pores to cause breakouts.

Adapting your skincare routine during winter is crucial to combat these issues. This includes using a richer, more hydrating moisturizer, avoiding long, hot showers, staying well-hydrated, and protecting your skin from harsh winds with scarves and hats. Additionally, a humidifier can add moisture to the indoor environment, helping to prevent excessive dryness.

Understanding the impact of winter's dry and cold air on your skin and taking proactive steps to mitigate these effects is essential to maintaining healthy, glowing skin throughout the season.

Tips to protect skin in Winter

Adjusting your skincare routine to combat harsh conditions is essential during winter. Focus on hydration by drinking ample water and using a thicker, hydrating moisturizer. Choose a gentle cleanser to avoid stripping natural oils, and don't forget sunscreen to protect against UV rays. Apply a nourishing lip balm to prevent chapped lips, and exfoliate gently to remove dead skin cells. Use a humidifier indoors to add moisture to dry air. Dress warmly with hats, scarves, and gloves to shield against cold winds. For better skin health, take lukewarm showers rather than hot baths and eat a balanced diet of antioxidants and healthy fats. 

Let's look at some of the essential points in greater detail to understand better how to maintain healthy, radiant skin during winter.


Moisturizers are a cornerstone of winter skincare for several crucial reasons. During the colder months, the air becomes dry, and indoor heating systems further deplete the moisture levels in the environment. This combination can lead to rapid skin dehydration, making it prone to dryness, flakiness, itching, and even cracks.

Moisturizers play a vital role in replenishing and retaining the skin's hydration. They form a protective barrier on the skin's surface, sealing in moisture and preventing moisture loss. This barrier keeps the skin well-hydrated and fortifies its natural defenses against external aggressors, like harsh winds and pollutants, which are more prevalent during winter.

Moreover, a quality winter moisturizer is designed to be richer and thicker, providing the skin with the extra nourishment and emollients it needs to stay supple and soft. Regular use of moisturizers in winter can help maintain skin health, reduce the risk of irritation and sensitivity, and contribute to a glowing complexion despite the challenging weather conditions.

Gentle face wash

Gentle face washing holds immense importance in a winter skincare routine for various compelling reasons. During winter, the skin's natural defenses are compromised due to the harsh, cold, and dry environmental conditions. Here's why a gentle face wash is indispensable:

  1. Preservation of Natural Oils

    The skin's natural oils act as a protective barrier, sealing in moisture and shielding against external elements. Harsh cleansers can strip away these essential oils, increasing dryness, flakiness, and sensitivity.

  2. Avoiding Irritation

    Winter weather can make the skin more susceptible to irritation and redness. Gentle face washes effectively remove impurities without causing additional inflammation or aggravating skin issues.

  3. Maintaining pH Balance

    The skin has a delicate pH balance, which aggressive cleansers can disrupt. A gentle face wash helps preserve this balance, promoting overall skin health and resilience.

  4. Preventing Overcleaning

    Overcleaning during winter can exacerbate dryness. A gentle face wash allows for effective cleansing without overdoing it, helping to retain the necessary moisture.

By incorporating a gentle face wash into your winter skincare regimen, you can help your skin stay nourished, comfortable, and better equipped to withstand the harsh winter conditions. This approach ensures a healthy complexion throughout the season.


Exfoliation is a crucial element of winter skincare that often goes overlooked. Despite the cold and dry conditions, regular, gentle exfoliation remains essential for maintaining healthy and radiant skin this season.

During winter, the skin tends to accumulate dead skin cells on the surface. These cells can dull the complexion and clog pores, potentially leading to breakouts. Additionally, the lack of humidity can cause dead skin cells to adhere to the skin more tenaciously, making them harder to shed naturally.

This process helps to address those issues by bringing out fresh, youthful skin from underneath the dead skin cells. It also enhances the penetration of moisturizers and other skincare products, ensuring they can effectively hydrate and nourish the skin.

However, choosing a gentle exfoliant suited for winter conditions is essential. Harsh or abrasive exfoliants can further compromise the skin's barrier, increasing dryness and sensitivity. To remove dead skin cells without irritating them, choose a mild chemical exfoliant that contains ingredients like beta hydroxy acids (BHAs) or alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs). Incorporating exfoliation in your winter skincare routine helps to maintain a vibrant, healthy complexion despite challenging weather.

Stay Hydrated

Hydration is paramount in winter skincare. Cold air, low humidity, and indoor heating systems deplete the skin of its natural moisture, leaving it dry and vulnerable. Proper hydration restores and maintains the skin's suppleness and fortifies its protective barrier. This barrier shields against harsh environmental elements, such as biting winds and pollutants, which are more prevalent during winter. Hydrated skin is less prone to dryness, flakiness, irritation, and premature aging. Ensuring your skin is adequately moisturized during winter is the key to preserving its health, comfort, and radiant, youthful appearance.

Avoid hot showers

In winter skincare, avoiding hot showers is essential. While hot showers can be comforting in the cold season, they adversely affect the skin. In addition to increasing dryness and sensitivity, hot water may deplete the skin of its natural oils, which serve as a defense barrier. This can exacerbate common winter skin issues such as itching, flakiness, and redness. Lukewarm water is a wiser choice as it cleanses without depleting the skin's natural moisture, helping maintain a healthy and hydrated complexion throughout winter.

Use sunscreen

Sunscreen is a vital component of winter skincare, often overlooked due to the absence of intense sunlight. However, it remains an indispensable shield against UV radiation. Even during winter, harmful UVA and UVB rays can penetrate the atmosphere, causing cumulative damage to the skin. Snow can also reflect UV rays, intensifying exposure, especially at higher altitudes. Prolonged exposure to UV rays may lead to sunspots, premature aging, and an increased risk of skin cancer.

A sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or above (broad-spectrum) helps protect the skin from these harmful effects. It acts as a barrier, preventing UV rays from penetrating and causing damage. Incorporating sunscreen into your winter routine is a preventive measure to maintain skin health, preserve its youthful appearance, and reduce the risk of long-term sun-related skin issues, making it an essential step in your winter skincare regimen.

Benefits of ShatPratishat products

Natural skincare products with chemical-free ingredients offer a safer, more nurturing approach to winter skincare. They help protect the skin from harsh environmental conditions while minimizing the risk of skin irritation and other adverse effects often associated with synthetic chemicals. This makes them a wise choice for maintaining healthy and radiant skin throughout winter. Using natural skincare products with chemical-free ingredients during winter offers many advantages that promote skin health and well-being.

  1. Gentle and Safe

    Natural skincare products are formulated with natural ingredients, minimizing the risk of irritation and allergic reactions. During winter, when the skin is more sensitive due to dryness and cold air, gentle products are essential to prevent exacerbating skin issues.

  2. Moisture Retention

    Chemical-free natural products often contain ingredients like shea butter, coconut oil, and aloe vera that retain moisture, create a protective barrier on the skin's surface, prevent moisture loss, and maintain hydration. These are critical in combating dryness during winter.

  3. Avoiding Harsh Chemicals

    The artificial chemicals and fragrances in many traditional skincare products deplete the skin's natural oils and upset its delicate pH balance. Natural skincare products avoid these potentially harmful substances, allowing the skin to thrive in a more balanced environment.

  4. Environmental Consideration

    Using natural products is not only beneficial for your skin but also for the environment. Natural ingredients are often sustainably sourced and biodegradable, reducing the ecological impact of your skincare routine.

  5. Holistic Approach

    Natural skincare embraces a holistic approach to beauty, promoting overall wellness. Ingredients like essential oils can have aromatherapeutic benefits, promoting relaxation and stress relief during winter.

In essence, natural skincare products with chemical-free ingredients offer a safer, more nurturing approach to winter skincare. They help protect the skin from harsh environmental conditions while minimizing the risk of skin irritation and other adverse effects often associated with synthetic chemicals. This makes them a wise choice for maintaining healthy and radiant skin throughout winter.

Prominent natural ingredients for winter skincare include nourishing options like coconut oil, known for its deep moisturizing properties that combat dryness and provide a protective barrier against harsh winter conditions. Shea butter is another vital ingredient, renowned for its soothing qualities, making it an ideal choice for hydrating and alleviating irritation in dry and sensitive skin. Aloe vera’s natural anti-inflammatory and cooling effects make it invaluable for relieving winter-related skin issues. Though not a plant extract, hyaluronic acid is a natural component of the skin and excels at attracting and retaining moisture, ensuring intense hydration. Additionally, jojoba oil, honey, oatmeal, green tea extract, chamomile, and rosehip seed oil all play essential roles in winter skincare, offering a range of benefits from gentle exfoliation to antioxidant protection, soothing properties, and overall skin nourishment.

Introducing a range of our products to help care for skin during winter.

Face Cream 

A face cream crafted exclusively with natural ingredients like aloe vera, coconut oil, shea butter, rose oil, and vetiver oil offers numerous benefits for your skin. First and foremost, this concoction provides deep hydration thanks to the moisturizing prowess of aloe vera, coconut oil, and shea butter. These ingredients work harmoniously to combat winter dryness and maintain a soft, supple complexion. Moreover, aloe vera's innate anti-inflammatory properties make it an adept soother for irritated or sensitive skin. At the same time, rose oil and vetiver oil contribute their calming qualities to reduce redness and irritation.

Additionally, the blend's rich antioxidant content, especially from rose oil, helps protect your skin from environmental stressors, reduces signs of aging, and promotes a youthful and radiant appearance. Furthermore, the aromatic allure of rose and vetiver oils bestows an added layer of relaxation and stress reduction. Beyond these benefits, using natural ingredients minimizes the likelihood of skin irritations or allergies, ensuring the face cream is gentle and suitable for even the most sensitive skin types.

This natural face cream serves as an all-in-one skincare solution, simplifying your routine while nurturing your skin with the goodness of nature.

Body lotion

During winter, a body lotion enriched with all-natural ingredients such as aloe vera, shea butter, coconut oil, cedarwood oil, and neroli oil becomes an invaluable asset in your skincare routine. These natural components work harmoniously to address your skin's needs during the cold and dry season. Aloe vera, coconut oil, and shea butter provide deep and intensive hydration, replenishing lost moisture and creating a protective barrier that prevents moisture from escaping. This helps combat the dryness and flakiness that winter often brings. Cedarwood oil contributes to its calming and balancing properties, soothing irritation and reducing redness, which harsh winter conditions can exacerbate. Neroli oil helps improve skin elasticity and helps reduce fine lines and wrinkles, promoting a radiant and youthful complexion. Using solely natural ingredients ensures gentleness on the skin, making this body lotion suitable for sensitive individuals. In essence, it becomes a nurturing and protective shield against the challenges of winter, leaving your skin soft, supple, and beautifully cared for.

Face mask

A natural face pack consisting of activated charcoal, Kaolin clay, coconut oil, and rosemary oil offers various benefits in winter skincare. Activated charcoal and Kaolin clay work to gently exfoliate, drawing out impurities, excess oil, and dead skin cells. This helps combat clogged pores and breakouts that can be exacerbated during winter. Coconut oil provides deep hydration and nourishment, preventing dryness and flakiness, while rosemary oil's antiseptic properties can help soothe and rejuvenate the skin. These natural ingredients offer a detoxifying and hydrating treatment, leaving your skin refreshed, clear, and well-moisturized.

A natural face pack containing sandalwood powder, Kaolin clay, and coconut oil brings numerous benefits to winter skincare. Sandalwood powder is renowned for its soothing properties, reducing redness and irritation often aggravated by cold, dry weather. Kaolin clay gently exfoliates and detoxifies, removing impurities and dead skin cells, while coconut oil provides deep hydration, preventing winter-induced dryness and flakiness. This provides a gentle and safe exfoliation, a prerequisite during winter. This combination creates a harmonious blend that cleanses, moisturizes, and nourishes the skin. It offers a refreshing and rejuvenating experience, leaving your complexion looking revitalized and radiant, making it a valuable addition to your winter skincare routine.

Pure oils

For several compelling reasons, cold-pressed natural almond oil is a superb addition to your winter skincare routine. Packed with essential fatty acids, vitamins E and A, and antioxidants, almond oil offers intense hydration, effectively combating the dryness that often plagues the skin during the colder months. Its emollient properties create a protective barrier on the skin's surface, locking in moisture and preventing water loss, thereby reducing flakiness and discomfort.

Moreover, almond oil's gentle nature makes it suitable for sensitive skin types prone to irritation in harsh winter conditions. It can also help soothe chapped lips and dry cuticles and even alleviate redness and itching caused by winter-induced skin sensitivity. Almond oil nourishes and revitalizes the skin, making it soft, supple, and radiant throughout winter.